Discover the benefits of using a dedicated server

Gone are the days when thinking about a dedicated server meant high infrastructure costs. It is true that this type of server still requires a higher investment than the  shared server , but costs with installation space, purchase of machines and IT staff are no longer necessary.

The truth is that, today, any company has the possibility of having a dedicated server at an affordable investment, guaranteeing all the benefits that hosting like this offers. That's why we've prepared this post, in which we're going to give you the main information about a dedicated server, as well as the main advantages that this type of hosting offers. Check out!

But, after all, what is a dedicated server?

A dedicated server is a hosting model — it can be for both  websites  and systems, such as ERP or Business Intelligence (BI) — in which the company guarantees an exclusive server in the data center . That means total customization to your needs, from storage space to processing speed and RAM size .

The main difference between the dedicated server and the shared server is that, in this second option, the hosting of the website is divided between several contractors, which can impact the performance of the server and limit the functioning of the systems or access to the websites at certain times. .

And how does the dedicated server work?

In practice, a dedicated server works just like the company's own data center. That's because she can configure this service the way she wants, according to her needs. As the name implies, this type of server is dedicated to the contracting company, that is, the space is not shared with other companies, which guarantees better performance.

Is the dedicated server recommended for my company?

The dedicated server is recommended for companies with high demand for performance. This can be for sites with a high volume of visitors  or for systems that require high speed and performance. This model is also ideal for those seeking exclusivity in terms of service and infrastructure.

Another point is related to the security of the site , the systems and/or the information contained therein. Companies that need greater protection of their data find a more appropriate solution in the dedicated server, since the single space protects them from a series of problems that can occur as a result of sharing the hosting environment.

In this way, e-commerces and news or institutional sites that store and manipulate a large volume of data are indicated for this  type of hosting , as it guarantees greater loading speed and prevents pages from being offline at times with more hits. .

Likewise, management systems and BI (Business Intelligence) software - which have a high demand for performance - also have better results with the dedicated server.

What are the benefits of dedicated server?

As we have already said in some points of the post, there are several benefits in hiring a dedicated server. However, we will better explain some of them below:

1. Unshared Resources

When a company has a server dedicated to its resources (website, blog , systems, etc.), it manages to make the most of the performance offered exclusively to it.

On the other hand, a shared server ends up limiting the possibilities that the company has for using its applications, since even the most robust plans with elastic limits , at some point have limitations.

In this way, even though today, companies that offer shared servers use machines with dozens of processing cores, large memory capacity and mechanisms for controlling accounts on the server, the performance never compares to that of a dedicated server. can offer.

Therefore, both websites and applications that need high performance have the best solution in the dedicated server to guarantee proper functioning for their needs.

2. Flexibility

Shared servers often require some limitation in application development because they have restrictions on plugins, modules or scripts on website pages, blogs or corporate systems, for security or performance reasons.

On the other hand, with the dedicated server option, which is exclusive to the client company, this type of situation does not occur, as there is great flexibility in server configuration, so that it meets all the demands that the hosted application requires. .

This makes it possible to carry out all the necessary adjustments so that the hosted systems or sites suit the public they are intended for and their purpose, instead of having a reduction in development possibilities due to any hosting restriction.

3. Information security

As we said, when hiring a dedicated server, the company has access to exclusive equipment for using its applications. And it is precisely this exclusivity that guarantees much greater security, both in relation to data and information (from the company and its customers), as well as the performance of the server, which has minimum numbers of unavailability, remaining in the air practically 100% of the time .

Another point is that data centers have processes and mechanisms that guarantee information security, such as redundancy operation, power generators, refrigerated rooms, among other measures that guarantee greater availability.

4. Improved SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

The dedicated server offers exclusive IP's for those who host a website or system. This ensures that your IP address will not be shared with other pages that may distribute spam , malware , etc., or other issues that could affect your site's results in search results.

With unique IPs, this problem does not exist and, when we align this point with others that are considered by search engines (such as page loading speed), there is a considerable  gain in ranking  in search engines. That is, there is a positive influence on the work of SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

5. Accessibility

Although it has a higher investment than the shared server, the dedicated server already has an affordable cost today, as high investments in infrastructure are not necessary, as in the past.

In addition, when you hire a service like this, all equipment maintenance costs are the responsibility of the contracted company, which also eliminates the expenses with the IT team. It's an affordable way to get all these benefits without decapitalizing your company.

Published on: 2/19/23, 11:59 AM