How many simultaneous hits does a site support?

See how to simulate simultaneous access to the site to identify the number of online visitors it supports. This information is important not only for planning, but also for implementing improvements and optimizations.

It is not enough to just focus on ranking well and receiving a large number of hits. You have to be ready for it! It is not just any hosting that supports a high volume of traffic and access peaks . This often causes slow access and may even leave the site offline .

Why check the number of concurrent accesses supported?

Find out why it's important to know the number of simultaneous hits supported by your website:

1. Slow or down site

Although a high volume of visits is a positive thing, this can also be seen as unfavorable for your business, either by resulting in a longer page load time or taking the site completely down.

And it doesn't have to be such a high number of simultaneous accesses for problems to start to appear. Some website hosting services have problems with only 5 or 6 simultaneous visitors. This clearly demonstrates the limitation of the service offered by these companies.

A poor quality website hosting service can have a huge negative impact on reputation, especially if it is a company or business website.

2. Problems with SEO

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) , as the name implies, works as a set of techniques focused on optimizing search engines .

In this way, it can be divided into different actions: such as content creation, on-page optimization, building authority and user experience , which influence the algorithms to define the ranking of a page for a given keyword (external link) that was researched.

You already know that slowness is a very serious problem in the eyes of Google. If a site suffers from certain limitations and has constant access problems, it will certainly have great difficulty occupying the first page of searches.

That way, when a site takes too long to open, the visitor simply gives up access and clicks on the next result, which automatically interferes with the ranking of search engines .

Also, another big problem is when the website goes down and the user can't access it. Generally, slow page loading just precedes this problem.

When it is too slow, several requests end up “accumulating” on the server, causing it to refuse new connections. Or, in some cases, the visitor's browser terminates the session due to exceeding the loading time limit .

That way, obviously, if a site goes down once it won't be immediately penalized. The problem is when this happens frequently and Google can identify this type of problem.

3. Impaired user experience

The bad experience we have when accessing a slow website is undeniable . Certainly all of us choose to look for an alternative site as soon as we notice that it is taking time to open.

For this reason, this poor experience and people's ever-increasing need to find answers quickly make a slow site the #1 enemy of the general user. In addition to the inconvenience caused, it is still necessary to take into account that your reputation is compromised.

It is unlikely that this person will access your site again, which is why putting user experience at the forefront should be a priority when we choose hosting and build our website.

How many simultaneous accesses does a site support ?

The number of simultaneous accesses supported by a website may vary according to the server's hardware and the optimizations performed on the website. If it has an active cache system and optimization plugins, the number of hits supported by the site can be quite high.

Therefore, it is extremely important to do a test to make sure that you are not using one of these hosting with limitations and that will disrupt the user experience.

However, lucky for us, there are tools that allow you to easily test whether your site is capable of receiving a large number of visits . This test is called Load Impact .

Published on: 2/19/23, 8:35 AM