WordPress is one of the multipurpose platforms and perhaps the best known in the world. And its use grows more and more with the popularization of the internet. In this article we are going to talk about indispensable plugins for WordPress .
Making pages and websites for the internet was not easy in the past. In addition to being expensive a better website hosting service , it was still necessary to master languages aimed at website development.
One of them, possibly the most common, was HTML. This language has become so big that it has become the reference as the main interface throughout the Internet.
But, after a while, everything changed. CMS – Content Management System (which can be translated as Content Management Systems) appeared and everything started to get easier.
WordPress represented an evolution for the internet, as well as democratizing the creation of a website, WordPress brought a series of improvements and made the internet a safer environment for everyone.
Some of the advantages of WordPress:
The pages on the Internet – from a website to a simple blog – became much simpler, for anyone who wanted to produce content. This was the revolution that made the internet what it is today: A plural and democratic space. Space where the purpose is not to have to master different technical knowledge to be able to interact.
And WordPress is one of the most used CMSs nowadays. Created in 2003 by Matthew Mullenweg and Mike Little , it quickly spread to all content producers.
It was developed from the PHP language, an open source language that aims to develop applications and generate dynamic content on the internet. WordPress is currently found on 29% of websites on the world wide web.
WordPress is quite simple and that's why it's recommended for users of all levels, for its great ease of management. In addition to having several tools or plugins that aim to further improve your experience or add new features to the site.
That's why we're going to mention 6 excellent WordPress plugins that will help you reach your goal and communicate more clearly with your audience.
Let's go to them...
If you produce content, using SEO tools is very useful for expertise and professionalism. This tool is one of the most powerful that WordPress has.
If you don't already know, SEO means Search Engine Optimization , or Optimization for search engines. These are several actions aimed at increasing the visibility of your website or blog on search engines.
Yoast SEO is a great tool that guides you all the way to creating better content and improving your search engine rankings . Their focus is on creating content that is useful to users, gaining trust and maintaining sustainable SEO .
Of course, for everything to work out, you need to have the best website hosting , this will certainly help you in the endeavor to achieve good ranking and keep the traffic of your blog or website always high.
Creating an online store with WordPress is very easy and fast thanks to WooCommerce. This plugin developed by the same team that created WordPress adds several features that allow you to create a complete virtual store, with payment via credit card, bank slip, integration with Correios and many other features.
In addition to all these advantages, WooCommerce is a free plugin. It is widely used in creating virtual stores and perfectly suits those who want a professional virtual store with sales reports, stock control, product filters and much more .
Akismet is very important with regard to the safety factor. It has the function of comparing the various comments, that you will occasionally receive, with a global database of spam , through your comments form.
This is done to prevent your website or blog from publishing inappropriate or malicious content , and to prevent various spams from appearing in your comment area, blocking them automatically.
You can also discard unapproved comments or comments that you don't want to appear on your list. This helps not only to increase the available disk space of your website hosting, but also to speed up the website.
It's not just about increasing your website traffic and generating relevant content. It is important to measure what is happening to him. This is what Google Analytics is for . This monitoring tool is one of the most used in the world. It will gather essential data for defining your strategies.
The ExactMetrics plugin adds the visit statistics generated by Google Analytics to the WordPress admin panel . This feature is very important, as it allows you to gather all information about access to the site within WordPress.
With it it is possible:
And much more. Information is power, and without it, we are acting blindly on our blogs or websites. Knowing how our audience behaves will help us connect with them in a more effective and direct way.
Without a doubt, images attract a lot of attention in the online environment. It is proven that content accompanied by images is considered more relevant and retains more attention from users.
Putting images in your content helps you deliver your messages much better than just plain text. It makes your page more attractive and attractive.
But, the problem with this is the speed. Many sites end up slowing down with too many images . That's what WP Smush is for .
It optimizes images without reducing their quality. For this, it uses advanced compression techniques, which saves a lot of space. This without diminishing the sharpness, color and veracity of the images.
Of course, a good website hosting service also always helps. Always check the best for your site to run quickly for all users.
This tool is aimed at the security of your website or blog. It synchronizes every content, comment, post or file, providing protection against any attacks or problems that may occur.
It also regularly backs up your content, detects dangerous files and helps protect against unwanted spam. In a few clicks, you can resolve any suspicious codes or attacks against your website.
This is a very powerful tool for WordPress, which has many features for your website.
The J etpack can be used for:
And several others. It helps to increase your website's reach and traffic. In addition to preventing brute force attacks.
And, as if that weren't enough… it even monitors the entire site every 5 minutes and notifies you of any problem your site may have.
That 's it, we hope these WordPress tools help you achieve your goals with your website or blog.
But, it's no use if you don't have the best website hosting service , which guarantees speed and security, so you can rest assured to create whatever you want in WordPress!
The Redirection plugin offers essential functionality for every WordPress site. It lets you create a redirect to any internal or external address . That is, when changing the URL of a post/page it is possible to create a 301 or 302 redirect pointing to the new location of the URL.
It allows creating redirects based on IP, browser or user permissions in WordPress. Also, it monitors all website 404 errors . That way you can create a redirect to the correct page and avoid being penalized for having too many 404 links pointing to your site.